June 30, 2024
All the Tortoises have been mounted and linkage installed for the next town: Cottonwood.
Cut more hardboard for fascia in Red Bluff now that all the electrical is done. Will paint it tomorrow morning when it is cool – currently 98!
Rolled out full size track plan and marked industries with names and door numbers for Red Bluff. I’m beginning to feel like I’m going to be able to start operations soon with the main yard done and two towns. I have to remake the town diagrams to match the current layout which has been modified a little from the previous one. Since Red Bluff is over 35′ long, will put 3 on the valance.
There is nothing more frustrating than visiting a new layout to operate on and spending lots of time searching for industries. My goal is to make the layout as user friendly as possible for operators so they can concentrate on delivering cars.
I had modified the east end of Red Bluff and found it necessary to keep the same industries I had before but to move their locations. I placed some temporary buildings on the layout to get a feel for the scene.
A section of temporary track between Proberta and Red Bluff has been installed. It was left out with the hope of installing the Reed Creek Bridge soon. An unfortunate accident in moving destroyed the bridge and it has to be rebuilt. Decided to put all bridges on the back burner with the idea of getting all towns connected and ready to operate with traveling operators in November.